One Tulare County groundwater region setting the standard for protecting residential wells – SJV Water
One Tulare County groundwater region setting the standard for protecting residential wells [from SJV Water]
Tags: Racial and Environmental Justice, Water rights + policies
One Tulare County groundwater region setting the standard for protecting residential wells [from SJV Water]
California has set a limit for the toxic heavy metal hexavalent chromium in drinking water. Advocates have called for a stricter limit, warning of health
As companies buy up more valley farmland, the wells get deeper, according to new study [from SJV Water]
Hundreds of Tulare Lake wells are at risk of going dry. It’s the first time state officials have moved to crack down on inadequate plans.
Well-drilling and pumping continue to draw down groundwater in California’s Central Valley. Calls are growing for stronger legislation and state intervention. [from Los Angeles Times]
The San Joaquin Valley could see a mass out migration of farmworkers as the state’s groundwater law causes vast swaths of land to be fallowed.