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Andrea León-Grossmann


Climate Action Director


pronouns: She/Her
state: CA
city: Los Angeles
Tribal Affiliation: NO
languages: English, Spanish
race + ethnicity: Latina/e/o/x or Hispanic (e.g., Latin American, Central American, South American)
Andrea works with the Latinx community to protect and conserve our coasts and oceans. She has always been passionate about fighting for social justice and has been involved with animal rights, juvenile justice, immigrant rights, and of course, environmental groups, for nearly two decades. Born and raised in Mexico City, Andrea has lived in Los Angeles for over 25 years. In 2016, Andrea co-authored a book called "Fracking: ¿Qué es y cómo evitar que acabe con México?” ("Fracking: What is it and how to ensure it doesn't destroy Mexico"). The book is the foundation for Mexico’s legal fight against oil corporations. She also recently co-authored Sustainable Energy Technologies by CRC Press.

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