In Conversation with Ayanna Jolivet Mccloud – Burnaway

Amarie Cemone Gipson interviews Ayanna Jolivet Mccloud about her artistic lineage and environmental activism. [from Burnaway]

Column: Green hydrogen or greenwashing? Mojave water scheme takes new twist – Los Angeles Times

For two decades, Cadiz has been trying to sell groundwater. Now it's getting into the clean energy business. [from Los Angeles Times]

Investigating kidney stone disease in Sri Lanka – Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment

[from Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment]

Keeping Pace with Ongoing PFAS Developments

Daily, PFAS or per- and poly- fluoroalkyl substances are in the news or are the subject of regulatory or technical developments. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) has been active since the beginning of the year furthering initiatives outlined in their PFAS Road Map. States have quickly upped the pace of regulations and […]

Another Voice: Queen City Clean Waters Initiative will improve Buffalo’s resilience – Buffalo News

Severe wet weather-related events are becoming the norm in our everyday lives across Western New York. [from Buffalo News]

California increases fines for violations against excessive water usage: 'It's an important step' – Yahoo NewsPhoto of a mountain

The bill will prevent violators from getting off with minimal fines and continued violations. [from Yahoo News]

Guide to Climate Action in Your Local Community –

If you want to have a voice in how policy decisions are made and resources are distributed in your local community, the data you collect will be critical. [from]

Nottoway Indian Tribe joins America the Beautiful Freshwater Challenge – The Tidewater News

The Nottoway Indian Tribe of Virginia, the only state-recognized tribe in the nation to receive an invitation, proudly joined the White House’s America the Beautiful Freshwater Challenge.  A tribe news release noted that this program sets goals to protect, restore and reconnect 8 million acres of wetlands and 100,000 miles of the nation’s rivers and […]

EPA Gives Chicago Decades to Replace Lead Pipes, Leaving Communities at Risk – Inside Climate News

Advocates say vulnerable communities can’t afford to wait 20 years for service line replacement and that more outreach is required. [from Inside Climate News]

One Tulare County groundwater region setting the standard for protecting residential wells – SJV Water

One Tulare County groundwater region setting the standard for protecting residential wells [from SJV Water]